All about
blood types

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All about blood types

The main components of blood are:

  • Red Blood Cells – The oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the body
  • White Blood Cells – White blood cells are essential to the immune system.
  • Plasma – Plasma is a yellowish liquid that has salts and proteins in it.
  • Platelets – Platelets, necessary for clotting possible


About Blood Group-

  • Karl Landsteiner discovered the human ABO blood group for the first time.
  • Landsteiner discovered the blood types A, Β, and O in 1900.
  • De Castello and Steini discovered the AB group (1902).
  • Humans have the following blood groups: A, B, AB, and O.


Two categories of antigens are used by scientists to categorize blood types:
• Antigens ABO
• Antigens Rh


Antigens –

Antigens are made of molecules. They could be carbohydrates or proteins.

  • These blood antigens serve a number of purposes, such as: carrying other molecules into and out of the cell.
  • Protecting the structural integrity of red blood cells.
  • Identifying unwanted cells that may result in disease


Rhesus factor –

Rh factor, sometimes referred to as the RhD antigen, is present in some red blood cells. Another dimension is added by rhesus grouping.

The red blood cells are RhD positive if the antigen for RhD is present. They are RhD negative if they don’t.

The presence or absence of two antigens, A and B, on the surface of red blood cells results are four major blood types. The eight most common blood types are determined by the presence or absence of a protein known as the Rh factor, which is present in addition to the A and B antigens (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-).


So, there are eight possible blood types:

  1. “O Negative” – This blood type absence the Rh factor as well as the A or B antigen.
  2. “O Positive” – This blood type has the Rh factor but neither the A nor B markers. One of the two most common blood types is O positive blood.
  3. “A Negative” – This blood type only carries the A antigen.
  4. “A Positive” – This blood type lacks the B antigen but has the Rh factor and A antigen. It is one of the two most common blood types, along with O positive.
  5. “B negative” – This blood type only carries the B antigen.
  6. “B positive” – This blood type lack A antigen but contains the Rh factor and B antigen.
  7. “AB Negative” – This blood type lacks Rh factor but contains A and B antigens.
  8. “AB positive” – All three forms of antigen—A, B, and Rh factor are present in this blood type.

Keep in mind:- 

  • The universal plasma donor has blood type AB.
  • The universal red cell donor has Type O negative blood.
  • Donating blood: Generally, blood donors must be in good health, weigh between 50 kg (7st 12lb) and 158 kg (25st), and be between the ages of 17 and 65.


How Is My Blood Type Determined?

Parent_1 Parent_2 Possible Blood type of Child
O A O or A O A
O B O or B O B
O AB A or B A B
A O O or A O A
A A O or A O A
A B O or A or B or AB O A B AB
A AB A or B or AB A B AB
B O O or B O B
B A O or A or B or AB O A B AB
B B O or B O B
B AB A or B or AB A B AB
AB O A or B A B
AB A A or B or AB A B AB
AB B A or B or AB A B AB
AB AB A or B or AB A B AB


Blood type compatibility

Blood Type Doner Receiver
O+ O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O-
A+ A+, AB+ A+, A-, O+, O-
B+ B+, AB+ B+, B-, O+, O-
AB+ AB+ Everyone
O- Everyone O-
A- A+, A-, AB+, AB- A-, O-
B- B+, B-, AB+, AB- B-, O-
AB- AB-, AB+ AB-, A-, B-,O-

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